Source code for

from functools import lru_cache, partial
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from ._database import Database, require_write_access
from ._dataframe import iter_to_dataframe
from ._sql import (
from .compression import encode_data_blob
from .datatypes import TraRecord
from .types import SizedIterable

@lru_cache(maxsize=32, typed=True)
def _create_time_vector(
    samples: int, samplerate: int, pretrigger: int = 0
) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.arange(-pretrigger, samples - pretrigger, dtype=np.float32) / samplerate

[docs] class TraDatabase(Database): """IO Wrapper for tradb database file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, filename: str, mode: str = "ro", *, compression: bool = False, ): """ Open tradb database file. Args: filename: Path to tradb database file mode: Define database access: **"ro"** (read-only), **"rw"** (read-write), **"rwc"** (read-write and create empty database if it does not exist) compression: Enable/disable FLAC compression data BLOBs for writing """ super().__init__( filename, mode=mode, table_prefix="tr", required_file_ext=".tradb", ) self._data_format = 2 if compression else 0 self._timebase = self.globalinfo()["TimeBase"]
[docs] @staticmethod def create(filename: str): """ Create empty tradb. Args: filename: Path to new tradb database file """ schema_path = Path(__file__).parent / "schema_templates/tradb.sql" schema = schema_path.read_text("utf-8").format(timebase=int(1e7)) # fill placeholder create_new_database(filename, schema)
[docs] def channel(self) -> Set[int]: """Get list of channels.""" con = self.connection() cur = con.execute("SELECT DISTINCT Chan FROM tr_data WHERE Chan IS NOT NULL") return {result[0] for result in cur.fetchall()}
[docs] def read(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read transient data to Pandas DataFrame. Args: **kwargs: Arguments passed to `iread` Returns: Pandas DataFrame with transient data """ return iter_to_dataframe( self.iread(**kwargs), desc="Tra", index_column="trai", )
def _get_total_time_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Return total time range [min, max] of tradb.""" def get_time(func: str): result = self.connection().execute( f"SELECT Time FROM tr_data WHERE TRAI == (SELECT {func}(TRAI) from tr_data)" ).fetchone() return 0 if result is None else result[0] / self._timebase return get_time("MIN"), get_time("MAX") def _get_trai_range_from_time_range( self, time_start: Optional[float], time_stop: Optional[float] ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """Use binary search to find indexes (TRAI) of a given time range.""" con = self.connection() trai_start = None trai_stop = None if time_start is not None: trai_start = sql_binary_search( connection=con, table="tr_data", column_value="Time", column_index="TRAI", fun_compare=lambda t: t >= time_start * self._timebase, # type: ignore lower_bound=True, # return lower index of true conditions ) if time_stop is not None: trai_stop = sql_binary_search( connection=con, table="tr_data", column_value="Time", column_index="TRAI", fun_compare=lambda t: t < time_stop * self._timebase, # type: ignore lower_bound=False, # return upper index of true conditions ) return trai_start, trai_stop
[docs] def iread( self, *, channel: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = None, time_start: Optional[float] = None, time_stop: Optional[float] = None, trai: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = None, query_filter: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = False, ) -> SizedIterable[TraRecord]: """ Stream transient data with returned Iterable. Args: channel: None if all channels should be read. Otherwise specify the channel number or a list of channel numbers time_start: Start reading at relative time (in seconds). Start at beginning if `None` time_stop: Stop reading at relative time (in seconds). Read until end if `None` trai: Read data by TRAI (transient recorder index) query_filter: Optional query filter provided as SQL clause, e.g. "Pretrigger == 500 AND Samples >= 1024" raw: Return data as ADC values (int16). Default: `False` Returns: Sized iterable to sequential read transient data """ # check for empty time ranges time_min, time_max = self._get_total_time_range() if time_start is not None and time_start > time_max: return [] if time_stop is not None and time_stop < time_min: return [] if time_start is not None and time_stop is not None and time_start >= time_stop: return [] trai_start, trai_stop = self._get_trai_range_from_time_range(time_start, time_stop) # nested query to fix ambiguous column name error with query_filter query = """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT vtr.*, tr.ParamID FROM view_tr_data vtr LEFT JOIN tr_data tr ON vtr.SetID == tr.SetID ORDER BY TRAI ASC ) """ + query_conditions( isin={"Chan": channel, "TRAI": trai}, greater_equal={"TRAI": trai_start}, # < condition already met in binary search, use <= here for found indice range less_equal={"TRAI": trai_stop}, custom_filter=query_filter, ) return QueryIterable( self._connection_wrapper.get_readonly_connection(), query, partial(TraRecord.from_sql, raw=raw), )
[docs] def read_wave( self, trai: int, time_axis: bool = True, *, raw: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, int]]: """ Read transient signal for a given TRAI (transient recorder index). This method is useful in combination with `PriDatabase.read_hits`, that will store the TRAI in a DataFrame. Args: trai: Transient recorder index (unique key between pridb and tradb) time_axis: Create the correspondig time axis. Default: `True` raw: Return data as ADC values (int16). Default: `False` Returns: If :attr:`time_axis` is `True`\n - Array with transient signal - Time axis If :attr:`time_axis` is `False`\n - Array with transient signal - Samplerate """ iterable = self.iread(trai=trai, raw=raw) try: tra = next(iter(iterable)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("TRAI does not exists") from None if time_axis: return (, _create_time_vector(tra.samples, tra.samplerate, tra.pretrigger), ) return, tra.samplerate
def _get_previous_trai(self, channel: int, trai: int) -> Optional[int]: """Find previous tra record index for given channel and TRAI.""" result = self.connection().execute( "SELECT TRAI FROM tr_data WHERE Chan == ? AND TRAI < ? ORDER BY TRAI DESC LIMIT 1", (channel, trai), ).fetchone() return result[0] if result is not None else None
[docs] def read_continuous_wave( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, channel: int, time_start: Optional[float] = None, time_stop: Optional[float] = None, *, time_axis: bool = True, show_progress: bool = True, raw: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, int]]: """ Read transient signal of specified channel to a single, continuous array. The signal is exactly cropped to the given time range. Time gaps are filled with 0's. Args: channel: Channel number to read time_start: Start reading at relative time (in seconds). Start at beginning if `None` time_stop: Stop reading at relative time (in seconds). Read until end if `None` time_axis: Create the correspondig time axis. Default: `True` show_progress: Show progress bar. Default: `True` raw: Return data as ADC values (int16). Default: `False` Returns: If `time_axis` is `True`\n - Array with transient signal - Time axis If `time_axis` is `False`\n - Array with transient signal - Samplerate """ dtype = np.int16 if raw else np.float32 iterable = self.iread(channel=channel, time_start=time_start, time_stop=time_stop, raw=raw) iterator = iter(iterable) if show_progress: iterator = tqdm(iterator, total=len(iterable), desc="Tra") # ignores previous tra # prepend previous tra to iterator if available trai_start, _ = self._get_trai_range_from_time_range(time_start, None) if trai_start is not None: previous_trai = self._get_previous_trai(channel, trai_start) if previous_trai is not None: iterator = chain( iter(self.iread(channel=channel, trai=previous_trai, raw=raw)), iterator, ) # find beginning if not provided if time_start is None: time_start = self._get_total_time_range()[0] def slice_range(tra: TraRecord): """Get indices to slice given tra record data to time range.""" def limit_index(i: int): return min(max(0, i), tra.samples) n_start, n_stop = 0, tra.samples if time_start is not None: n_start = limit_index(round((time_start - tra.time) * tra.samplerate)) if time_stop is not None: n_stop = limit_index(round((time_stop - tra.time) * tra.samplerate)) return n_start, n_stop samplerate = 0 # will be initialized with samplerate of first record tra_blocks = [np.empty(0, dtype=dtype)] expected_time = time_start for tra in iterator: if samplerate == 0: samplerate = tra.samplerate if tra.samplerate != samplerate: raise RuntimeError("Different sampling rates inside requested time interval") # check for gaps in tra stream time_gap = tra.time - expected_time if time_gap > 1 / tra.samplerate: samples_gap = round(time_gap * tra.samplerate) tra_blocks.append(np.zeros(samples_gap, dtype=dtype)) sample_start, sample_stop = slice_range(tra) tra_blocks.append([sample_start:sample_stop]) expected_time = tra.time + sample_stop / tra.samplerate if time_start is not None: # the prepended record might be out of time range -> avoid exceeding zero-padding expected_time = max(expected_time, time_start) if time_stop is not None and samplerate and abs(expected_time - time_stop) > 1 / samplerate: # zero padding at ending samples = round((time_stop - expected_time) * samplerate) tra_blocks.append(np.zeros(samples, dtype=dtype)) y = np.concatenate(tra_blocks) if time_axis: return y, _create_time_vector(len(y), samplerate) + time_start return y, samplerate
[docs] def listen( self, existing: bool = False, wait: bool = False, query_filter: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[TraRecord]: """ Listen to database changes and return new records. Args: existing: Return already existing records wait: Wait for new records even if no acquisition (writer) is active. Otherwise the function returns after all records are read. query_filter: Optional query filter provided as SQL clause, e.g. "TRAI >= 100 AND Samples >= 1024" raw: Return data as ADC values (int16). Default: `False` Yields: New transient data records """ max_buffer_size = 100 query = f""" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT vtr.*, tr.ParamID FROM view_tr_data vtr LEFT JOIN tr_data tr ON vtr.SetID == tr.SetID WHERE vtr.SetID > ? ) {query_conditions(custom_filter=query_filter)} LIMIT {max_buffer_size} """ last_set_id = 0 if existing else self._main_index_range()[1] while True: # buffer rows to allow in-between write transactions rows = list(read_sql_generator(self.connection(), query, last_set_id)) for row in rows: yield TraRecord.from_sql(row, raw=raw) last_set_id = row["SetID"] if len(rows) == 0: if not wait and self._file_status() == 0: # no writer active break sleep(0.1) # wait 100 ms until next read
[docs] @require_write_access def write(self, tra: TraRecord) -> int: """ Write transient data to pridb. Args: tra: Transient data set Returns: Index (SetID) of inserted row """ # self._validate_and_update_time(tra.time) parameter = self._parameter(tra.param_id) with self.connection() as con: # commit/rollback transaction return insert_from_dict( con, self._table_main, { "Time": int(tra.time * self._timebase), "Chan": int(, "Status": 32768, "ParamID": int(tra.param_id), "Pretrigger": int(tra.pretrigger), "Thr": int(tra.threshold * 1e6 / parameter["ADC_µV"]), "SampleRate": int(tra.samplerate), "Samples": int(tra.samples), "DataFormat": int(self._data_format), "Data": encode_data_blob(, self._data_format, parameter["TR_mV"]), "TRAI": ( int(tra.trai) if tra.trai else None ), }, )